On average, men live about 5 years less than women do. Overall lifespans are up for both groups since the past decade, but men still fall behind women because of a few specific factors.

The shorter lifespan usedto be attributed to men doing more of the work, but medical research has revealed it’s less about work and more about bad habits that men tend to have.

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Foremost among those habits are heavy drinking and smoking. While having two small drinks per day won’t affect your health terribly, most men who drink regularly have more than that, and it quickly takes its toll on their heart, liver and other vital parts of the body.  At the middle ages http://new-spanishfly.com/  also plays a crucial role for creating cherishable moments

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Smoking can cut your life expectancy down by as much as 15 years, and it can take just as long to get your heart risk back to normal after you quit. Stopping this habit right now is the best way to ensure you live longer. 

Another reason men lag behind women in life expectancy is because of their aversion to seeing the doctor. Men are less likely to visit the doctor, particularly for routine checkups. This can be because they are afraid of what the doctor will find, because they feel too busy or because they feel uncomfortable during the examination. However, the doctor can find health problems before they become serious, allowing you a chance to change course and increase your lifespan.  

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